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Korean Shamanic Ceremony to Honor the Ancestors (Copenhagen, DK)

A Korean "Mudang" (Helena Soholm) and a traditional Korean musician (Dong-Won Kim, Professor at Wonkwang Digital University) are offering an ancestral ceremony for connection. This shamanic ceremony is open to people of all backgrounds and spiritual paths. We will focus on helping participants connect to their own ancestral lineage to support their spiritual growth and healing.

Anyone interested in learning about the Korean indigenous practices are welcome to attend. We will share beautiful traditional Korean music and send prayers to the ancestors for individual and collective healing. Wounds of colonialization and other ancestral traumas will be addressed during the ceremony so that all those who have been affected by our world's colonial past can begin to heal and transform suffering into positive energy for the future.

This event will be conducted in English.

Tickets: $90

December 17

Winter Solstice 2022 Ceremony (Zoom Gathering)

February 3

Ancestral Honoring Ceremony & Workshop (Bellingham, WA)